How much does Perspective cost?
Perspective pricing is based on Number on Roll. There are different pricing bands depending on size and type of establishment (i.e. special pricing arrangements for SEN schools).
The price is based on an initial set-up fee and then a licence/subscription, which includes all updates to the software within your 3-year licence period (minimum licence of one year).
You can find out more, or request a quote from the Perspective Pricing Page.
Is there any installation required?
Just like Raise Online, Perspective is a web-based system, installed and maintained by us, and hosted by Rackspace (see below).
So, there is no installation required, and no involvement needed from your IT department. You simply need an internet browser (such as Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox) and an internet connection to start using Perspective!
Where is Perspective hosted?
Rackspace is our hosting provider. Click here for more information about Rackspace.
How often are new features added into Perspective?
We enhance Perspective with new features every few months. Please see our News Blog for more information about the latest updates.
Every time a user logs out of Perspective, they are invited to give feedback or suggest new features. We work on the system continuously behind the scenes and the Perspective Team is always listening out for new ideas. In the past we have incorporated hundreds of user suggestions!
You can be assured that Perspective is always kept up to date in line with the Common Inspection Framework and latest industry trends.
Other questions?
Please get in touch if you have other questions not answered here.