Visual KPIs
Visualise how your schools are doing! Rate and group schools using the RAG traffic light system, grades, categories and tags!

Quick-Access Intelligence
Use filters to look at groups or phases of schools across your LA. Benefits both advisors and those who quality assure schools or teams.
Find schools fast!
Filter and view a sortable, exportable list of schools, including Ofsted grades, LA grades, RAG ratings and more!
Categorise your schools
Save time with our configurable system of grades, targets, categories, RAGs and Tags to replace your spreadsheets or templates.
Customise Your KPIs
Administrators can customise grade & category names, tags and RAG colours to match your own processes or terminology.
Dynamic Groups
Create groups based on KPIs. Dynamic Groups auto-update when a KPI is changed or certain criteria for a school are met. No admin overhead or ongoing maintenance!
Intelligent Alerts
Complete audit trail of all changes to categories, grades, RAGs and tags. Filter by phase, group & user as well as Ofsted inspections & Parent View alerts!
Go back to view the full features of Nexus
If you have any questions please call 0845 129 7197