News tagged with " Ofsted"
New Inspection Videos from Ofsted
The people at Ofsted have recently hosted a series of events to help school leaders gain a clearer understanding of how the new inspection arrangements will work. The videos shown…
Read onUpdate – Children’s Centres SEF
We’ve produced a brief summary overview of the recent changes to the Ofsted Inspection Framework for Children’s Centres (October 2011). If you’d like a copy, please let us know and…
Read onSchool Inspections Update
On the 26th May, Angel Solutions sponsored the School Inspections: Raising Standards and Improving School Performance conference in London; bringing national thought leaders on this subject together. Hundreds of headteachers…
Read onOur Perspective on the SEF
Recent changes to government policy have led to this press release regarding the Angel Solutions position on the future of the Perspective software across schools in England. While many will…
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