Discover Our New Broadcast Update!

It’s the one you have all been waiting for. We are pleased to announce you can now “Download All Files” from the File Requests Module, just like you have always been able to when receiving Standalone Files.

This is a huge time saver and you still have the ability to download files individually or by selecting the ones you want to download in one zip file.


New Transition Log in File Request Exports

Building on the existing File Request Export, we have now introduced a handy new Transition Log. This provides all the details about individual files that have come from your schools. Whether you need to know about recent uploads, past file rejections (with a reason why), or just to see who at the LA downloaded the file, it’s all there in the export.

Full info includes:

  • Transaction time & type (uploaded, downloaded or rejected)
  • Who at the LA downloaded it & when
  • If it was rejected, who did it & why

There’s More to Come!

As always, our team is working on an array of features that will enhance and empower what LAs are already experiencing in Broadcast Plus, including:

  • Broadcast Teams: Create and Manage Teams.
  • Permissions/Visibility introduced based on Teams to File Collections and Confidential Files.
  • Automated emails, notifications, and alerts to schools and Broadcast users.
  • File Collection Requests to utilise Roles for specific users to collect files from.
  • Broadcast Management Dashboards – See all files and roles shared across your schools.
  • File Validation: auto-reject files that do not meet requirements (e.g. by file type or 0 bytes file size).
  • Performance Improvements: Removing the 200 limit on school groups.

    Ready to get started?

    Sign in now and see the updates for yourself.

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    Join us for a demo and we will show you how our users are benefitting.


    If you or any colleagues would like training on any aspect of Broadcast or have any other questions, please, don’t hesitate to contact us.


    Categories: Angel, Broadcast

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