Keeping Balance as fresh as a daisy
We think you’re going to love these updates…
Introducing Prior Attainment Analysis
That’s right, in Balance you can now map your Professional Judgements against your pupils’ prior attainment. Sick and tired of doing this manually? You’re going to save so much time with our new feature!

Plus there’s no need to keep multiple windows open, if you want a little more information on a pupil, just click on their name and we’ll give you everything you need, including their Professional Judgement history.
Report card updates
As part of our latest update, we now include a child’s Professional Judgement on the bottom of their report card for each subject – great for parents’ evening or if you’re discussing a specific pupil.

We noticed that as a result of lockdown, a lot of your automatically generated ARE data within Balance can be misleading due to all the disruption this year. We’ve helped by switching the ARE data off by default and you can switch it back on when things settle down and the data is more useful.
Don’t forget! You can use the Professional Judgements to accurately record children’s attainment based on what you have managed to teach so far this year.
Class Analysis page updates
Want to see your Professional Judgements for all subjects on one page for each class?
Now you can with our Professional Judgement’s Class Analysis page which saves you toggling between all subjects – allowing you, as the teacher, to see an overview all in one place. Very useful for pupil progress meetings.

Flexibility to suit your school
We’re now giving you the ability to edit subject titles.
Call your subjects something different to how we’ve labelled them by default? Now any admin user in your school can make these changes that will appear throughout the system.

For example, if you want to change MFL to a specific language like French, no problem! Teach Humanities instead of History and Geography? You can now change that too.
We’ve even given the admin and analysis section a little makeover… Look at all these beautiful new icons!

By the way…
Internet Explorer will no longer be supported by Microsoft so you may experience some issues in Balance when using this browser. We suggest using Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari to avoid any usability issues.