Major Upgrade for Nexus

We are delighted to announce the release of Nexus version 7.0 this week — bringing every local authority in England a wealth of powerful new data analysis and reporting features!

This has been the culmination of months of hard work by our talented team of developers and we are extremely proud of the software offering we’ve been able to deliver.

Take a look through the details below for a rough idea of the functionality that local authority education teams now have at their disposal through being a member of NCER, and therefore having access to Nexus:

What’s new in Nexus?

Preview: Nova reports Dashboard in Nexus

Preview: Extra analysis potential inside Nova reports

New features in Nexus include:

  • Whole new site structure & navigation to make it even quicker for users to access what they need.
  • Vast reporting possibilities for Key Stage 1-5, helping local authorities meet their statutory obligations and go beyond them to serve their school improvement and other teams with accurate, up to date information and analysis.
  • Interactive dynamic school profiles comparing school progress with similar schools, the local authority and national figures.
  • New opportunities for local authorities to provide some of the same reporting functionality and data analysis to schools inside Perspective Lite.

Our culture of thanks

As a well done to our team for working so hard and delivering functionality that exceeded their original brief, we’ve pulled together a few surprises for them this week — that’s simply part of the Angel ethos, to encourage a culture of creativity, fun and innovation!

Watch this space for more news of what’s in store for them…

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