Walsall Workshops a Success!

The workshops run by Andy Kent, CEO of Angel Solutions, at the Walsall School Improvement Conference on 31st January 2014 were fully booked and received fantastic feedback!

The session topic was “Intelligent Data: telling your story” and schools got to view first hand a suite of tools and resources that can help them visualise data in new and innovative ways as well as saving them time.

We also presented our Perspective School Improvement toolkit and demonstrated how easy it was to carry out lesson observations and analyse them in real-time, as well as tracking professional standards across a whole school.

Both workshops were well attended and lots of positive feedback and thanks at the end, combined with schools wanting to sign up to the full version of Perspective too!

Feedback from Walsall LA included:

“A super workshop as part of a key conference for Walsall Heads and Chairs of Governors! Andy and James led highly interactive and motivational sessions – oversubscribed, as always. Follow up from the day shows that people are putting their learning into practice – and that it is already impacting on school improvement!! Thanks Andy, James and Angel Solutions!”

“Andy took us through a whole host of simple / free ways to help Head Teachers best tell the story of their school, whether to Governors or Ofsted inspectors.
He touched on the range of features inside Perspective Lite, other free online tools such as mapping and infographics as well as some of the features in the full version of Perspective.
I was particularly impressed by the way that processes can be streamlined through Perspective to enable leadership teams to collaborate on school improvement. 
Everyone seemed to find it a really helpful workshop that equipped each Head Teacher to put what they learned into practice straight away.”

A big thank you to Walsall Local Authority for inviting us to be part of their school improvement conference

We look forward to delivering further similar events in other Local Authorities soon!



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