Local Authority Performance Tables

Really exciting to see the feedback and use of our new Local Authority Ofsted Performance Tables at www.watchsted.com/tables

These tables include the percentage of pupils attending a good or outstanding school for each local authority. There are options available for you to tailor the tables; examine the eight Ofsted regions or the whole country, alternatively look at the percentage of good or outstanding schools rather than pupils. All of this information is updated every day.

Here we have chosen to see the percentage of pupils attending a good or outstanding school.

Watchsted Performance Tables

The Ofsted Annual Report and Data Dashboard provide great statistics on school inspections and local authority performance. Unfortunately, they only include inspections up to August 2013. Have things at your local authority changed since then? Why would you want to be compared to others using an out-of-date figure?

The Performance Tables provide similar analyses but include all of the very latest inspections, as of now, as opposed to August 2013. That way, any changes at your Local Authority can be incorporated. Isn’t that better than looking at data that could be months behind? We update our inspection statistics every night.

Latest 100 Inspections

Ofsted carry out high volumes of inspections and ideally the reports would be published soon afterwards. For various reasons this isn’t always the case. One eagle-eyed Watchsted community member noticed that some inspections don’t appear on our map. Instead of the latest 50, we’ve upgraded the map to show the latest 100 inspections in an attempt to include as many inspections as possible.

Analysis and Date Filters

Analysis becomes more meaningful and measurable since we introduced handy date filters on the analysis pages. You can now see the count of the latest framework inspections within any chosen time period. This means you can see if Ofsted really are paying closer attention to behaviour.

Watchsted Analysis Date Picker

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