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Perspective Introduction at St Nicholas Priory Junior (Gt Yarmouth)

Date: Wednesday 29 March
Time: 11:00–12:00
Venue: St Nicholas Priory CE VA Primary School
Cost: £25 (max. 2 places per school)
Places available: 30

A chance to explore and try out the full Perspective system in a highly interactive session!

St Nicholas Prior Primary School have kindly offered to host this session for local headteachers to come and explore what solutions other schools have found to help improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning monitoring.

More Information:

This Perspective workshop will be an opportunity for you to hear about how other school leaders record their monitoring, feedback and analyse their staff performance through learning walks, work scrutiny, observations, etc.

The aim of this workshop is to give you the chance to see how the full Perspective system can save you and your leaders time by streamlining all performance management processes, by providing a centralised solution.

We will also be discussing how this links through to target setting, development planning, school self-evaluation and stakeholder engagement.

If you would like to attend, please click ‘register now’ and we will be in touch shortly to confirm receipt of your attendance.

An invoice for £25+VAT will then be raised and emailed through.

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