Stakeholder Surveys in Perspective

Our web based improvement toolkit, “Perspective”, includes a built in stakeholder survey tool

Save hours of collating results on paper, or spending money on separate systems by benefitting from built in surveys:

For Schools

  • Ofsted Parent View Survey
  • Effective Governance for Good Schools
  • Key Stage Questionnaires
  • Parent Questionnaires
  • Pupil Surveys
  • Staff Ofsted Questionnaire
  • Inspection Questionnaire

For Children’s Centres

  • Parent Satisfaction Survey
  • User Satisfaction Survey
  • Baby Massage Survey
  • Baby Yoga Survey
  • Breastfeeding Survey
  • Cook & Eat Outreach Survey
  • Parenting Course Evaluation

We can also configure surveys within Perspective.

Built in Stakeholder Survey Tool in Perspective


Perspective Survey Report

Why not run an Ofsted Parent View Survey BEFORE Ofsted arrive

See some example Perspective Survey reports here:

Ofsted Parent view Survey

Effective Governance Survey

Other suppliers may allow you to upload surveys you have created elsewhere but Perspective has a survey tool built-in!

Other features and benefits include:

  • Use our survey tool to conduct phone interviews to increase responses
  • Print out templates for those without internet access
  • Unique URL provided for each survey so you can upload the link to a website, email to your stakeholders, place on Facebook or Twitter, place on computers in IT suite for a parents evening
  • Instant access to raw, live data for additional analysis
  • Dynamic Report produces summary analysis even after just 1 response – see an emerging picture before the survey has been closed off

 We are also working on benchmark data for our users based on our footprint of thousands of users across schools and children’s centres

 To find out how our existing users are benefitting from our easy to use survey tool, please email or call us on 0845 833 7190


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